When I met Patrick “Dr. Fit” Jamerson 8 months ago, I had never worked out in a gym in my life. I knew I needed to make a change but I had no idea where to start. I was not up for the ‘cookie cutter’ approach to fitness, being in a gym with a group of intimidating people and machines. I needed a custom approach to meet my needs. Patrick has worked with me very closely from day one, constantly adjusting my pace to fit my needs. With his help, I have been able to achieve amazing results. To date, I have lost 55 pounds and more importantly 21% body fat…and still going. Patrick really focuses on the TOTAL fitness picture, not just weight loss. This has been the easiest lifestyle change I have ever made and I will definitely never go back to the old way because being part of the NXT Level family is awesome!
Natalie Hall